
The Starting Point: Intrinsic Design

Design and materials are intrinsically connected in the best products. Find out how you can strengthen your design game with this principle.

Smart Design Ebook

Materials are the essential building blocks of all products. No surprises there. It follows, then, that starting the design process with an exploration into candidate materials could legitimately be referred to as intrinsic design. Equal parts science and art, intrinsic design can transform challenges into change faster and more elegantly than if materials were an afterthought. And isn’t this the promise of good design at its core? Solving problems swiftly, cleverly, and with style?

Don’t take our word for it… some very successful designers believe that products conceived with materials in mind offer better performance, have greater capacity to improve lives, and are able to advance sustainability more readily. We've interviewed Chris Lefteri, Marshall Hamachi, and Owen Foster to glean their insights on materials-centric design, plus rounded up some success stories from the Avient Design team to illustrate how this concept plays out in the real world. 

Click here to download your eBook and discover where intrinsic design can take you!